Sunday, May 30, 2010

Gator Bait

Hey Fellows and Gals,
We did it! Dixie, Louie (our dog) and I completed the Paddle the Parks Challenge. The Georgia State Parks designed a canoe/kayak challenge for adventuresome people. They laid out six different paddling routes in six different state parks around Georgia. Complete all six then you are eligible to be initiated into the Paddle the Parks Club and receive a T-shirt recognizing your accomplishment. What the GA Park Service did not tell us was that four out of the six parks were blessed with a healthy alligator population! In fact, the Okefenokee Swamp, where we paddled over Memorial Weekend has so many alligators, that they do not allow dogs on watercraft in the park. Louie had to sit that one out in the Highlander. What a bummer! Well, who needs extra Gator Bait, when you are sitting six inches off the water, and there are over thirty alligators checking you out! I need my hands for more than just paddling a kayak. Ya know? Hope you are all having a great Memorial Day Weekend, and our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq are coming home soon.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Could chiropractic have helped save Tiger Woods' neck?

THE PLAYERS Championship - Final Round

Tiger Woods dropped out of The Players Championship this weekend, complaining of neck pain that was interfering with his ability to play. Neck pain is second only to low back pain for spinal conditions affecting Americans. Considering the abuse we give our necks, this should not be surprising. We sleep with too many pillows. We scrunch our cellphones between our neck and shoulders. We hunch over computers all day. We fall asleep on the couch. All these positions put physical strain on our neck. From minor stiffness to a full blown herniated disk , many who suffer from neck pain could be helped with regular chiropractic care. A healthy neck should be supple, pain-free and properly aligned so that the nerve endings leading to the head and arms are free of impingement.

Chiropractors specialize in detection and correction of the most common cause of neck pain, vertebral subluxation. Vertebral refers to the spinal bones, and subluxation refers to a partial dislocation. Chiropractic doctors experts in helping the underlying cause of neck pain, and working with patients to help relieve pain, restore mobility and free-up impingement to nerves.

Tiger... see your chiropractor. An adjustment today, may keep the surgeon away!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Climbing with a rock star!

Rockclimbing legend, Lynn Hill congratulates Frank Nederhand and Jamie Schantz, D.C. on their second place finish at the Craggin' Classic, hosted by the American Alpine Club this past weekend in Chattanooga, TN. Lynn Hill is best known for the first free ascent of the Nose Route on El Capitan in Yosemite Valley, California. She is now a rockclimbing ambassador for Patagonia.

Lynn is not just a talented climber, she is a warm and sensitive person. Just being in her presence was a thrill. I have read about her in magazines, seen her on posters and climbing videos. I got to help her sore hip with a chiropractic adjustment, for which she was very thankful. The next day we climbed together on Diamond Cutter (5.10b/c) at Foster Falls, then enjoyed the festivities at Urban Rocks in Chattanooga.