Monday, April 30, 2012

Roswell Mayors Bike Ride

What a fantastic morning!  The sky was clear.  There was hardly a chill in the air.  Humidity was low.  Bike riders young and old gearing up at Roswell Area Park for the annual Roswell Mayors Ride.  The 40 milers went first, followed by the 20 milers with the Family 6 mile riders at the end.  We went for the 20 mile ride, which wound around the Historic District, dropped down on to Big Creek, climbed Grimes Bridge Road.
We peddled up Eaves Road into Martin's Landing.  Dropped down the inclines and swung back through to Riverside.  Stopped off at the break area at Riverside Park for water, bananas and peanut butter.
Traversed Azalea Drive, then ascended and slung down the west side until we reached the Park once again.  We look forward to having more patients and friends joining us next year.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Chiropractic Service Project

Chiropractic care for the needy was a grand success with four chiropractors volunteering throughout the day. This service project of the Georgia Chiropractic Association District 1 began in 2010, and provides chiropractic care at four events each year in downtown Atlanta at Thanksgiving, Christmas, MLK Day and Easter. We were part of the Easter Day of Services at the Georgia Dome. The chiropractors involved were Drs. Winston and Chantaye Carhee, Dr. Bianca Kiovanni and myself. Men and women from the ages of 81-21 who came to the Hosea Feed the Hungry and Homeless Event received exams and chiropractic adjustments. There were folks with years of accumulated stress and strain, old injuries that were not properly treated and joints and muscles that bear the burden of poverty and ill health. We had a steady flow of people wanting to have their spines checked, and ask questions about their health concerns. I appreciate the opportunity to serve, and am thankful that I have a home and food on the table.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Chiropractic Care for the Needy

Chiropractic care is a wonderful healing art & science. The stress and strain of everyday life can accumulate and result in distortion of the vertebral column. Spinal nerves can become hyper-irritated and joints and disks compressed. Besides stiffness, numbness and pain, nerve flow to vital organs can become disrupted, and set the stage for illness and dis-ease. Chiropractic adjustments help to restore alignment of the spine, ease tension and stress on the nervous system and promote overall well-being.
The way our healthcare system operates in the US, many people in need never make it to a chiropractor's office. Chiropractors are seldom seen in public healthcare clinics or hospitals.
People without insurance or the means to pay for chiropractic care seldom receive the benefits that chiropractic care can provide. I believe that this is unfair, so I make a point of volunteering my chiropractic services at certain times of the year to help the needy.
This Easter Sunday I will be joining other chiropractors and scores of other volunteers at the Georgia Dome for Hosea Feed the Hungry and Homeless Day of Services. Sometimes people ask... "What can one adjustment do?" My answer is, "Always more than none".
Visit for more information and how you can provide support.